Sad day today at Scotia HQ, said a final goodbye far too early to a man who leaves a lasting impression on my life. A wee legend in my eyes that brought many laughs and I learnt so much working in the shop alongside him.
Pre Scotia days I had the pleasure of first meeting Vic in what was then my local tackle shop, the old Angling Centre Stirling. We later went on to become colleagues when I went to work there for 4 years and became friends outside of work when we both went our separate ways.
Vic was your classic ‘Scottish character’, very warm, welcoming, helpful, chatty, full of the banter and didn’t take anything too serious. He always had the ability to see the best in people.
An absolute natural salesman and a knowledge of Scottish fishing that was huge across all genres, I learned loads from him over the years, not just about fishing.
I had some great days fishing with him, and the funny thing about when you fished with him is it didn’t matter what side of the boat he was on, the bugger always wanted to cast onto your side and poach your fish!
When he did catch more fish or bigger fish than you, you could be sure he would let you know :).
I’ll look back at a few photos from fishing together with fondness tonight and toast a wee half in memory of him!
RIP Wee Man x