The main fishing season is well underway here in Scotland. With a rare day in the office I have decided to update you all on our fishing season so far!
We got our spring Salmon season campaign up and running super early this year. I had a rare day to myself fishing on the River Tay and managed this 8lb bar of silver!

The first client salmon capture was a guest from Germany who landed his fish but unfortunately a mishap meant we never managed a photograph. Next up was David Denne on his bachelor party.
Our Salmon catches are almost on par with last season, we have suffered a little with the low water recently so hoping for some rain soon to freshen up the river again. There has been steady catches all month on the river

Returning guest Richard spent three days last fall on the River Tweed for Salmon in tough conditions, so much so we fished for Trout and Grayling instead and had a great few days.
This year he returned for three days Salmon fishing and managed a fine brace at 8lbs and 13lbs.

Good to see returning clients already this season including my main man Josh from Pennsylvania on his fifth fishing trip with us!

Our Trout season got off to a bang with an absolute pig on the streamer!

Then Mr Rehwaldt had a very respectable Brown on the Jingler during a huge March Brown hatch in early April. The fishing then was insane!

Since then the Trout fishing has been hit and miss with windy conditions often putting the kibosh on the dry fly fishing. When conditions are favourable there has been some incredible hatches and sport to match!
The Grayling season ended in April to allow for spawning. We had a great winter season though with some real lumps! This one below was a new personal best Stevie.

As May progress the water temperatures should rise and fishing should improve particularly for Trout. Salmon runs peak in May for the spring run so things are looking very positive for the next few weeks!
Tight lines!
Callum Conner
Scotia Fishing Head Guide